Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Scavenger Hunt


Search the Internet and supply the following facts and information
. Write your answers in the table below.

VALUE: Sources/Author/Date Published/Sponsor/Copyright
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1. Sometime in 1991, a chief scientist at the NIIT, named, started an experiment hole in a wall.
Sugata Mitra
from a Businessweek Online Daily Briefing,
March 2, 2000.
Edited by Paul Judge
Phrase searching

2. What does NIIT stands for?
 National Institute of Information Technology 
The Acronym Finder is © 1988-2018, Acronym Finder, All Rights Reserved
Phrase searching
3. It was implemented at a slum area in New Delhi.

Hole in the wall

New Delhi
Sugata Mitra
Phrase searching
4. His team carved a hole in the wall that separated NIIT campuses from slum areas. Why did they carve hole in the wall?
This innovative methodology was first experimented in New Delhi where Dr. Mitra‟s team carved a “Holein-the-Wall” that separated the NIIT premises from the adjourning slum in Kalkaji. Through this a hole, a freely accessible computer was put up for use which proved to be an instant hit among the slum dwellers, especially the children. With no prior experience, the children learn to use the computer on their own. The experiment suggested that children, irrespective of their social, ethnic or educational identity, can learn to use computers by themselves, thereby closing the much discussed „digital divide”.
    Sugata Mitra
February 2012
Phrase searching
5. What was the significant finding of the experiment?
NIIT Foundation is now poised to scale up the idea of Hole-in-the-Wall to make a significant contribution to improve the elementary education and life skills of children across the world, especially those in disadvantage communities in rural areas and urban slums.
Phrase searching
6. What could be the implications of this finding to existing teaching practices especially those that are related with the use of ICT in learning?
Over the 4 year research phase (2000-2004), HiWEL has extensively studied the impact of Learning Stations on children. Hole-in-the-Wall Learning Stations were installed in diverse settings, the impact of interventions was monitored and data was continually gathered, analyzed and interpreted. Rigorous assessments were conducted to measure academic achievement, behaviour, personality profile, computer literacy and correlations with socio-economic indicators.
Phrase searching

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