Monday, August 27, 2018


          Philippines is also known as the "Pearl of the Orient Sea". God gave us our country a very beautiful creatures. We have a lot of tourist spots around the country, but with this very beautiful title there is also a title that brings something to us. We are all aware that the Philippines is a "Disaster Prone Country". Our country lies along the Pacific Ring of Fire which result to the occurrence of some natural calamities we experiencing all throughout a year.
          All of us have a different problems. It can be simple or complicated; it can be in love, studies, family, and also in natural calamities. Every person have different style/ways in showing/acting their feelings. Some may cry, some may end their lives, and some may see their problems as a motivation to strive more. We Filipinos are known as a strong people, even in the face of calamities we still find ways to smile. We are tested by countless calamities; flash floods, typhoons, volcanic eruptions, devastating earthquakes and landslide. During this calamities we may lost our love ones, our relatives, our friends, and even our homes and properties but despite of this we still stay strong and smile.
          Filipinos never give up. The spirit to survive and to bounce back and remains undefeated. We may be daunted by the horrible scenes around us, but certainly we will be strengthened by our unwavering faith in God. Together we can face any challenge ahead of us. We may stumble and fall but we will bounced back, arms stronger with vision and faith that after all the pains we survives. 

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