Monday, July 30, 2018

Human Rights vs. Human Lives

          President Rodrigo Roa Duterte was set to deliver on July 23, 2018 (Monday 4pm) his third State of the Nation Address (SONA) at the Batasang Pambansa in Quezon City, Metro Manila Philippines. SONA 2018 was delayed by an hour due to the briefing of Duterte  on who will be seated as House Speaker beside him. In a sudden twist of events former president and Pampanga Representative Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo unseated House Speaker Pantaleon Alvarez and became the House Representatives' top congressman.

          While the SONA of the president turned out smooth as he followed his speech and did not say any curse words. Many people are shocked, even the celebrities shared their reactions on what happened. There are lines that caught my attention and went trending on social medias. One is "Your concern is Human Rights, mine is human lives". Teenagers live nowadays are being wasted because of the chemicals called shabu, cocaine, cannabis, and heroine. I think the reason of our president is there are many people who question his policy about the War on Drugs. President Duterte wants to prove us that he know what he is doing, that all he want for our country is to become peaceful but because of that they called "cancer ng lipunan" he was force to do unwanted act.

          "You worry the present, I am concerned about both the present and the future. If not stopped, crimes can make human cesspool of succeeding generations. I will not allow it happen, not during my term".