Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Good Health, Good Life

     Poverty is one of the biggest problem of the world. There's so many people felt this problem. They are lacked of money, things, education, food especially nutrition that can cause a bad result to their health. They said that health is wealth but how can they achieve a good health if they are lacked on many things? It is very important to take care of our health for us to maximize our skills and talents.
    "Ugaliing Magtanim Sapat na Nutrisyon Aanihin" means we need to plant fruits and vegetables  for us to gain enough nutrition , a nutrition that everybody should we have. We can protect ourselves from getting diseases by simply starting a healthier way of living which means equipping ourselves about the importance of eating healthy foods and avoiding those unhealthy foods. Do our best, let us plant vegetables and fruits in our backyards and by simply doing this we can assure that the food we are eating is healthy and safe.
     Always remember that having a good nutrition can boost our confidence, no one  wants to belittled let us show them that we are strong and healthy.