Wednesday, July 4, 2018


            "Freedom" 7 letters 1 word that every Filipinos want. Word that is very important to us. Why? simply because we finally have our own freedom. Freedom of our country, that we can already do what ever we want. But how? how did we achieve that freedom?

          We are celebrating the Independence Day for us to remember that, that day was the day we have  our own freedom.And also for us to thank our heroes who sacrificed their lives. Not just a simple effort but they fought for our freedom. Freedom of the Philippines from the Spaniards. Spaniards who slave us and didn't gave our rights as a human.

          That's why it is very important to celebrate Independence Day. A very significant day to the Philippines. A day to praise our heroes who sacrificed their lives. Who poured their blood and sweats in fighting. Just for our freedom, even their life is the replacement.