Saturday, February 2, 2019

Be the Change

Our societies are riddled with issues around trust, fear, anger, grief, blame, anxiety, and addictions. The path to recovery from these issues and others is to go within and find out what is actually true as opposed to what we have deducted from the environment that we grew up in. Once you have established ehat really happened, it is advisable to find a way to safely process your issues.
          "Real change is difficult at the beginning. Without the familiar to rely upon, you may not in as much command as you had once been. When things are not going to your way, you will start doubting yourself. Stay positive, keep the faith, and keep moving forward-your breakthrough may just be around corner". Change is about attitude and the way we handle our personal and public affairs.   Change also implies readjustment to the realities of the time and prioritizing our needs. Changing the world begins with improving who we are on the inside. We each have a unique identity and our own distinct thoughts. These thoughts often propel us to act. We can improve our actions by centering our thoughts in a positive. The most powerful way one can change the world isn't simply by doing one thing, but instead is a way of life revolving around the concept of altruism.
          Heal yourself first by integrating your shadow self and be mindful of your thoughts leading you down a path of negativity. Eventually, problems that once consumed you will no longer affect you because you have upgraded your model of reality  to coincide with a new awareness.

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