Thursday, December 6, 2018


           Human beings will suit our definition of persons for now, but we will come back to this. All persons are equal. This seems obvious because we are all God's creation, but we are not equal in many ways. We are not all equally strong, equally tall, or capable of doing an equal amount of work, or equally beautiful  etc. And we certainly all differ greatly in our personalities. Yes indeed we do, but it doesn't mean that we don't have the same rights and opportunities.
          We all have a freedom, we live in a democratic world so we have the right to give our opinions, regardless to whether it known. The denial or in accessibility of quality education also threatens the exercise of freedom in many different ways. For example, people are classified according to their educational attainment or even to the schools or universities where they studied. Whether or not some individuals are qualified to a job post, they are judged according to how they dress or compose themselves and the kind off community they came from.
          Equality is measured in terms of worth, of value. And all people have equal worth and equal value. There is no person who is interior to any other person, ever. 

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