Saturday, October 20, 2018

Our beloved Teachers

We all have our own description of a hero and whom we consider as our hero. When we are still young we believe that only Superman, Batman are the superheroes because they have powers. So do we consider our teachers a hero? Why and how come if they don’t have any super powers. Teachers, they are our second parents, our school is our second home, our class is our second family. Always be thankful for all the efforts, time and sacrifices for us just to teach us not only with their subjects but also right manners. Education is very important to a man, that is why teachers are also very important to us. Let us thank them because they serve as our bridge to reach our goals in life. Teachers is an inspiration to all f us, love them and salute them. Again thank you for all the lessons that you’ve given and shared to us. We love you and we will always love you.

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