Saturday, October 20, 2018


This second grading is very challenging. I was  surprised about the lessons. This quarter I learned the what is Internet access all about and different software applications that is not familiar to me. I am very thank having this subject for adding my knowledge. Second grading very stressful but I admit I've enjoyed it. It is all worth it in the end.

Not a hindrance to success

Child labor, violence, prostitution. Many people in the world especially here in the Philippines don’t value about oneself dignity. Some doesn’t even care and know about it, especially to those regions/families who experience poverty. We all know that poverty is one of the biggest problems here in our country. They are lacked of foods, things, money, and education. Many people especially women and children experience violence, but because they don’t have any power to fight for their rights they just preferred to remain silent. It is every children’s right to go to the school and enjoy their childhood. But because of poverty they are forced to find a job in order to sustain their daily needs. Because of poverty women are forced to get naked in front of their customers in order to earn money. Always remember that poverty made for us to make us strong. And let us all be aware of what is happening around us. We must fight until the end. Let us work hand in hand to address this kind of issues. We can achieve success when we believe in ourselves.

Our beloved Teachers

We all have our own description of a hero and whom we consider as our hero. When we are still young we believe that only Superman, Batman are the superheroes because they have powers. So do we consider our teachers a hero? Why and how come if they don’t have any super powers. Teachers, they are our second parents, our school is our second home, our class is our second family. Always be thankful for all the efforts, time and sacrifices for us just to teach us not only with their subjects but also right manners. Education is very important to a man, that is why teachers are also very important to us. Let us thank them because they serve as our bridge to reach our goals in life. Teachers is an inspiration to all f us, love them and salute them. Again thank you for all the lessons that you’ve given and shared to us. We love you and we will always love you.


Currently, the world depends on technology and everyone from young to old seemed to be deeply involved. Technology has become one of the most important elements in todays’ society and its role in our lives keeps getting complex. It is true that it has an impacted to all sectors of the society and even helped to increase efficiency and effectiveness. Technology nowadays denotes speed. People are able to perform certain things with ease and faster than ever before. Daily business transactions are currently done faster than even before. With improvement in internet speeds people have been able to converse and conduct meetings with their counterparts from different parts of the world. People have become increasingly competitive and every year new ideas and technologies are released to challenge the ones in the market. With technological improvements getting churned out every day, people managed to do a lot more work with a lot less effort. In conclusion, the world is introduced to new and mind-blowing ideas every day. While we jump and make merry whenever we see new improvements, it is also essential that we seek to maintain our human nature. Technology is indeed revolutionary but it should also never change who we are as a people.